Monday, February 1, 2010

Food glorious food! --Marinara

I'm excited about this recipe sharing thing. Let's see how well this works.

This is my favorite sauce for Pizza, but it's also great on pastas like Tortellini. I don't have a picture of the sauce itself, but I'll get one next time I make it.

Garlic Basil Marinara

4 cloves Garlic, chopped
saute in
2 T Olive Oil
4 cans diced Tomatoes (I use petite diced).
Cook down for at least an hour, depending on how thick you want it.
Just before you take it off the heat add:
about 2 T Fresh Basil crushed and minced
Salt and Pepper and Oregano (fresh or dried) to taste.

Blend in blender until smooth.

Makes about 1 qt sauce. I freeze it in smaller quantities. and use it as needed.

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