Friday, November 27, 2020




You’re Getting Warm

            Because she was a princess, she had access to her mother’s magic mirror. When she turned sixteen, and was old enough to date, she realized that the questions she had asked the mirror in the past were embarrassingly trivial. She knew now, the only vital question was which of her suitors would make her happy ever after.

            “Magic mirror, make me see, Which young man is right for me?”

                                                … Who will love me day and night?”

                                                       . . . Who is worthy of my hand?”

            She rephrased the question, and asked it many times a day. She asked politely, and when that didn’t work, she was blunt and direct. “Stupid mirror on the wall, show me who is best of all!” She was really quite frustrated! The mirror had always worked before! “Where did Mom hide the Halloween candy?”  “What did Dad get me for Christmas?”  Now she was asking the most important question, and the mirror was behaving like a plain old mirror! It was so important! Which of the young heroes and princes would love her the best?

            She tried it once more: “Magic mirror my knowledge fill; Who loves me best and always will?”

            The princess said a bad word. She had really thought that she would get an answer this time, but there the mirror was, just showing her reflection. She huffed off and went to tell her mom that the mirror was broken. It was quite aggravating.


Melissa said...

Elisabeth, maybe? I love the rhymes in here! So cute!

Gabe said...

I thought this was my mom's.

Laura said...

I'm guessing Elisabeth's?